Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sudan Collage

While making my collage I had to use all of the school wide learning results (SLRs)...

Think Creatively...

I had to think creatively because I had to find pictures and text that would make sense and make people aware of what is happening in Sudan. I think that most of my pictures that I put on my collage sends that message. For the text I decided that I would just put words not sentences. I thought that by doing this it would send a stronger message, that they need help now.

Reason Critically...

I used my images and text to show that the country and people of Sudan need help. They have been at war for most of their lives, and many people have been killed and severely injured and those who were not injured or killed suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. There is so much genocide in Sudan as well so a lot of my text on my collage is about genocide and trying to stop it.

Communicate Effectively...

My collage creates awareness of the Lost Boys plight because it shows pictures and text about what they had to go through while living in Sudan. They had to watch their village, their family, and their friends die.

Live Ethically...

I think that my collage shows empathy. One of my pictures says "Time is running out, help Sudan". I also have a picture of a women crying, and when I saw this picture I felt very sad for her, and that I the response that I want people to feel when they look at my collage, I want them to feel empathy for Sudan and the Sudanese people.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


What Motivated Brutus

“Vexed I am of late with passions of some difference” page 28, lines 48-49. This is the quote where Brutus is telling Cassius that he is at a crossroads and doesn't know what to do. He loves his friend Caesar but he loves Rome and the Roman people more. Brutus is a very honorable man, and he is very patriotic and he will do anything to stay honorable and patriotic.

Brutus liked to be honorable and noble, and even when he was doing something bad he still tried to do it honorably. “This was the noblest Roman of them all.” page 219, line 68. After Brutus killed himself, Antony and Octavius found his dead body and Antony said that Brutus was the noblest Roman of all. This quotation shows that Brutus didn't just like to be noble, it shows that he was noble and everyone knew it including his enemy, Antony. Brutus loved honor and being noble almost more then he loved anything else. “I love the name of honor more then I fear death” page 32 lines 87-88. This is where Cassius is tiring to convince Brutus to join the conspiracy. This quotation shows that Brutus would rather die then be un-honorable and if someone would rather die then not be something it shows just how much the person adores that trait. This quotation shows that Brutus would do anything to stay honorable and he feels that if he can’t be honorable then he might as well die. Brutus loves being noble and honorable, he feels it gives him respect. But honor and being noble wasn't his only motivators, he also loved Rome.

Not only did Brutus love honor and being noble, but he also loved Rome and the Roman people. Brutus was very patriotic he would do anything to help Rome, so when he thought that Caesar, one of his best friends, would harm Rome if he was king, he had to do anything to stop Caesar. “Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rom more.” page 128, lines 20-21. This quotation is from Brutus’ speech at Caesar’s funeral, he explains that he did love Caesar very much but that he loved Rome more. This quotation shows that Rome was much more important to Brutus then anything else, even friendship. He thought that if Caesar were ruler then Rome would fall apart. It shows that he had to do anything to stop Caesar hurting Rome, so Brutus would rather kill his best friend then see Rome fall apart. “What means this shouting? I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king.” page 32, lines 78-79. This is where Brutus is talking to Cassius and they hear shouting and Brutus thinks that Caesar is being crowned king, which he does not want. This quotation shows that Brutus does not want the people to choose Caesar as their king, and since Brutus loves the Rome more then friendship he will do anything to stop Caesar become king. Brutus is very patriotic and he will not let anything or anyone hurt Rome.

Brutus was at a crossroads, he loved his friend, Caesar, but he loved his country more. He was very patriotic and honorable, so he thought that if he killed Caesar then he would be helping Rome and to help your country is an honorable thing to do. These motivators caused Brutus to behave badly. Brutus thought that people were going to be happy at his decision and that Rome would be better without Caesar, but instead the people were not happy and Rome was worse. These motivators caused Brutus to only partly achieve his goal. Yes, he did kill Caesar, that was his main objective, but his goal was to kill Caesar to save Rome, but when he killed Caesar the Roman people started to riot and get upset which made Rome fall apart. I think that his goal was worthy and wasn't worthy. I think that it was worthy of him to try to save his country, but he was just placing his theory on ‘what ifs’. He didn't actually know what Caesar would be like if he was ruler.Ideas and Content...

My essay demonstraits appropret ideas and content becuase I used characteristics that described Brutus very well, and then matched them with a quote from the book to show that he was really passonated about Rome and Honor, I then explained the quote and why it was relivant to give the reader a deeper understanding. I think that I could have expressed my ideas better by finding better examples of his characteristics. I think that my quotes are good but they could be better. I also think that I could have gone into more detail and explain the quotes and characteristics better.


My writting demonstraits appropriate organization. I had an introduction paragraph where I said what his problems were and I named his characteristics, and then in my body paragraphs I went into more detail about his characteristics, I then had a conclusion parafrasing his problem, how he over came it and what motivtated him to kill Ceasar. I also had conecting sentances to link my paragraphs. I could have improved my organization by having better conecting sentances, I do not think that they linked my ideas very well.

Personal Growth...

I think that there was a lot of improvment between my Alchemest essay and my Juilus Ceasar essay. I think that in my Ceasar essay I explained my ideas and quotes better then in my Alchemist essay. I think that this shows how I have improved as a writer.

SLR Reflection...

While writing my essay I had reason criticaly because I had to write information about Brutus' characteristics, link them to why they drove him to kill Caesar and find quotes to show this. I also had to explain my quotes.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Lost Boys of Sudan

Peter was one of more then 2000 boys who had to leave their home in Sudan because of war and had to go to a refugee camp. These boys and girls were orphans and they are called the 'lost boys'. Peter was also one of 2800 lost boys who got to go to The United States to start a new life. People told the boys that America was going to be like a heaven on earth, but when the boys go there, they realized that they were wrong. Peter faced many difficulties while in America. the culture in America is so much different then the culture in Sudan so it was very hard for him to fit in. He had to balance work, school, his social life, and homework all by himself and he had to deal with stereotypes.

In America Peter had to work so he could pay for food and rent, go to school so he could get into collage and have a better future, do his homework so he could pass high school, and hang out with friends so he could fit into the culture better. Peter did not have a lot of money because he worked a low paying job, and the money he did make he sent most of it back to Sudan to help his friends and family, so he hardly had enough money to pay rent. After he went to school, he had to come home then go to work. He worked at night so by the time he got home he would do his homework (but since he was in high school there was a lot of homework). Peter also had to hang out with his friends so he could learn the culture better and so he could fit in. He had to balance all of this and a social life while he was in America.

Peter also had to deal stereotypes. Since he was from Sudan he had very dark skin color, so people thought that he was going to rob them and things like that because in America people think that people with dark skin are gangsters, and that they will rob people, but this is not true. It is a stereotype that people think of when they see a person with dark skin. Peter had to deal with this stereotype a lot. He also had to deal with the stereotype of people think he was different because he is from Africa. When he was working at a store the manager told him and some other boys from Sudan, that they had to work out side because they are from Africa and they are used to the heat. A lot of people in America thought this about Peter and other ‘lost boys’.

Peter faced a lot of conflicts while in America. He also faced culture shock, and found it hard to fit into the America culture. But he dealt with his culture shock by going out with kids from his school that were American, and he played basketball which helped him get his anger out. But he also embraced the new culture because he new that if he wanted to go far in his new life in America then he would have to learn how to fit in.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Art and Society

How does art reflect society? Well, in the painting The School of Athens strongly reflects on the society in the Renaissance time period. The Renaissance was a very important time in history. It was when people started to consider views other then the church's. It shows that people were starting to learn and discuss subjects more and that they started to care less about what the church thought. This painting shows two things that the people in the Renaissances started to adapt, architecture and knowledge. In the Renaissance the achriteture really developed. The buildings became more rounded by having arches and domes and they carved decorations into the walls. This painting shows all of those things. In the front of the painting there is an arch which they had developed in the Renaissance time period, and in the back of the painting the walls have statues carved into them. These achritectual ideas were originally from Greece and Rome but got adapted to Europe, most buildings made in the Renaissance have these design characteristics. This painting also shows how people were starting to care about learning and knowledge. In this painting everyone in it is learning, weather it's discussing a subject or reading or writing. This shows that the Renaissance society cared a lot about knowledge. Art reflects a lot on a society, it shows what there culture and values are like.

In the painting School of Athens I think that I would probably most represent Epicurus. He believed that you should have a happy life surrounded by friends and loved ones. I think that I would be Epicurus because that is exactly what I believe. I believe that everyone should live a happy and joyful life and that being surrounded by friends and family helps achieve that goal. Friends and family are one of the most important things in my life. They help you when times are bad, they make you feel less lonely, and they help your self-esteem. I think Epicurus represents me the most because we believe in the same ways to live your life.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Da Vinci

How can Da Vinci be characterized as a true Renaissance Man?

Da Vinci can be characterized as a true Renaissance Man because he was good at everything. He is probably most known for his paintings and inventions. He painted many well no pictures such as the Mona Lisa, The Last Super, Virgin of the Rocks, and many more. He also invented many things that we still use today, like the parachute, the tank, and even a flying machine, but a lot of his inventions were just ideas in his notebook and they never got built. But he wasn't just a painter and an inventor. He was also skilled in architecture and design, he designed Church's, buildings, and statues. He liked to design things that the military could use. He designed a giant crossbow, the first tank, and an eight barreled machine gun. Da Vinci had one of the most modern minds of his time, and he was a true Renaissance Man.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Unbreakable Love

The play Romeo and Juliet is similar the book The Alchemist. Both stories deal with destiny and love. In Romeo and Juliet they are both madly in love, even though no one approves of it. They are each others destinies. In The Alchemist, Santiago finds Fatima and instantly falls in love with her, as well as in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet see each other they fall in love. Even though the similarities are not as direct as The Alchemist it still has concepts do to with destiny. In Romeo and Juliet, the characters Romeo and Juliet are destined to be together and in The Alchemist, Santiago has to complete his journey by finding his destiny. Both stories, Romeo and Juliet and The Alchemist, also deals with love. In The Alchemist, Santiago finds Fatima, the love of his life. He would do anything for Fatima and he thinks she is the most important thing in the world, even more important then his journey. It is the same for the story Romeo and Juliet. They love each other more then anything in the world, so much that they can't live with out each other.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Universal Language


Love sings in your heart
Draped in a flowing pink gown
Her compassionate melody calms the soul

In The Alchemist, Coelho talks a lot about love. He says that love is the universal language, meaning that everyone can understand and "speak" love. I think that this is true. Love is in every culture and time, it is instinctive to humans. "I also have Fatima. she is a greater treasure than anything else i have won." (Coelho, 110). Coelho says that if you truly love someone, you'll do anything for that person. You will love them all your life, and hopefully so will they.