Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Sudan Collage

While making my collage I had to use all of the school wide learning results (SLRs)...

Think Creatively...

I had to think creatively because I had to find pictures and text that would make sense and make people aware of what is happening in Sudan. I think that most of my pictures that I put on my collage sends that message. For the text I decided that I would just put words not sentences. I thought that by doing this it would send a stronger message, that they need help now.

Reason Critically...

I used my images and text to show that the country and people of Sudan need help. They have been at war for most of their lives, and many people have been killed and severely injured and those who were not injured or killed suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. There is so much genocide in Sudan as well so a lot of my text on my collage is about genocide and trying to stop it.

Communicate Effectively...

My collage creates awareness of the Lost Boys plight because it shows pictures and text about what they had to go through while living in Sudan. They had to watch their village, their family, and their friends die.

Live Ethically...

I think that my collage shows empathy. One of my pictures says "Time is running out, help Sudan". I also have a picture of a women crying, and when I saw this picture I felt very sad for her, and that I the response that I want people to feel when they look at my collage, I want them to feel empathy for Sudan and the Sudanese people.

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