Sunday, September 27, 2009

Unbreakable Love

The play Romeo and Juliet is similar the book The Alchemist. Both stories deal with destiny and love. In Romeo and Juliet they are both madly in love, even though no one approves of it. They are each others destinies. In The Alchemist, Santiago finds Fatima and instantly falls in love with her, as well as in Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet see each other they fall in love. Even though the similarities are not as direct as The Alchemist it still has concepts do to with destiny. In Romeo and Juliet, the characters Romeo and Juliet are destined to be together and in The Alchemist, Santiago has to complete his journey by finding his destiny. Both stories, Romeo and Juliet and The Alchemist, also deals with love. In The Alchemist, Santiago finds Fatima, the love of his life. He would do anything for Fatima and he thinks she is the most important thing in the world, even more important then his journey. It is the same for the story Romeo and Juliet. They love each other more then anything in the world, so much that they can't live with out each other.

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