Monday, December 14, 2009

Art and Society

How does art reflect society? Well, in the painting The School of Athens strongly reflects on the society in the Renaissance time period. The Renaissance was a very important time in history. It was when people started to consider views other then the church's. It shows that people were starting to learn and discuss subjects more and that they started to care less about what the church thought. This painting shows two things that the people in the Renaissances started to adapt, architecture and knowledge. In the Renaissance the achriteture really developed. The buildings became more rounded by having arches and domes and they carved decorations into the walls. This painting shows all of those things. In the front of the painting there is an arch which they had developed in the Renaissance time period, and in the back of the painting the walls have statues carved into them. These achritectual ideas were originally from Greece and Rome but got adapted to Europe, most buildings made in the Renaissance have these design characteristics. This painting also shows how people were starting to care about learning and knowledge. In this painting everyone in it is learning, weather it's discussing a subject or reading or writing. This shows that the Renaissance society cared a lot about knowledge. Art reflects a lot on a society, it shows what there culture and values are like.

In the painting School of Athens I think that I would probably most represent Epicurus. He believed that you should have a happy life surrounded by friends and loved ones. I think that I would be Epicurus because that is exactly what I believe. I believe that everyone should live a happy and joyful life and that being surrounded by friends and family helps achieve that goal. Friends and family are one of the most important things in my life. They help you when times are bad, they make you feel less lonely, and they help your self-esteem. I think Epicurus represents me the most because we believe in the same ways to live your life.